Bharasseyduran Dante Trussardi

Bharasseyduran Dubarry Duke

Bharasseyduran Devil in Prada

 Some of the boys are available for the wright (show) home. Out of the combination Ch. Secret Wish Y-Shirvan  x Bharasseyduran Changing Weather) al 3 of them are best quality puppies  

9 puppy s are born on the 12th of June. At our friends kennel in the Netherlands.  Out of my Champion dog Ch. Secret Wish Y-Shirvan  x mum Bharasseyduran Changing Weather.

We have 4 girls and 5 boys. In the Colors "

Gold black mask

Red black mask


Black and tan

And a cream one

Some of the boys are still available for serious inquirys you can contact us or Inge Frerichs

Puppy s are expected at our friends kennel Bharasseyduran Afghans in June from :

Bharasseyduran Changing Weather with our champion dog Ch. Secret Wish Y-Shirvan.  

Serious enquiries are welcome .

You can always contact us or Inge Frerichs


Tel. 0031651720872

Afghan Hound pups born 2022-april-20


at Aldurami's afghan Hound kennel


Afghan Hound puppies are born in the ALDURAMI afghan hound kennel of Franky Franssens and Nicole Kockelbergh.


5 boys and 1 girl are born on april 20 in 2022

1 golden girl

1 black & blond boy,

2 black brindle boys,

1 golden brindle boy and

1 golden boy.



The parents of this beautyful litter:

Father: Int. VDH Ch. Secret Wish Y-Shirvan aka Jaden

(Nightwind Xpect It Now x Multi Ch. Noma Y-Shirvan) (due to the Corona-pandemie Jaden only did a few shows in youth class but he will soon re-start his showcareer.)

Mother: Multi Ch. Oshanameh's No Name No Number

(Multi Ch. Boxadan Master Millenium X Multi Ch. Oshanameh's I Better Ask Dad


Some of the beautiful boys are still available!


Serious enquiries are welcome



Fam. Franssens-Kockelbergh

P. Benoitlaan 15

9190 Kemzeke



Phone: +32 37798643

Handy (gsm): +32 475306286 or +32 477339897 (copy and past)



 (Reserved)AVAILABLE for a loving (show) "home"

Only serious enquiries are welcome "Al Durami Viggo my pretty boy " 8 weeks

Al Durami Valentino you stole my heart

 Al Durami Violet my pretty woman 

Al Durami Vanity black ambition 

Al Durami Vendetta in Colors 

Puppy' s t the age of 4 1/2 weeks

40 days of pregnancy 

25 days of pregnancy 


Our life our everything our afghans

Secret Wish Y-Shirvan