We like to introduce ourselfs
We are Franky and Nicole Franssens Kockelbergh
from Belgium and our adventure of afghans started
in the years 1980, the year we got married and
bougth our first afghan NEFERTITI VAN
JAGERSWEELDE. We lost her at the age of 13 years
. Then we got our second afghan Champion " Oona
Y-Shirvan" from Stephan Adriaens, and soon we got
our 3th Champion "Serra Parecis Demon
headmaster "from Ria De Meijer.
This was the start of a live filled with afghans and
happiness. Also the start of a great hobby
DOGSHOWS which still is.
in 2007 we got our first litter which gave us only 2 puppy s out of Ch. Assourah y-Shirvan x Ch. Rainbow Aladin of Jhanzi.
In 2010 we got our second litter out of Ch Serra
Parecis Heart of Promise x Ch. Rashid Ebn Hugo
von Haussman which gave us 7 puppy s.
It was the most sad period of our life by losing the
mother of our litter , but we are proud that we
raised al the puppy s by ourselfs.
this year 2022 we are planning to have our 3th litter in apring so more info is coming soon